Monday, August 24, 2020

Explicación sencilla del sistema educativo en EE.UU.

Explicaciã ³n sencilla del sistema educativo en EE.UU. Para los reciã ©n llegados an Estados Unidos, el sistema educativo es uno de los grandes misterios y uno de los temas que ms inquietudes plantea. Para navegarlo exitosamente es importante entender los puntos bsicos de la educaciã ³n obligatoria. En este artã ­culo se resuelven dudas sobre quã © aã ±os comprende la educaciã ³n obligatoria, tipos de escuelas, cules child los grados y, finalmente, temas especiales como estatus migratorio y escuelas pã ºblicas, alimentos, educaciã ³n particular, and so on. Aã ±os de educaciã ³n obligatoria en EE.UU.: K-12 En Estados Unidos la educaciã ³n es obligatoria entre los grados K-12, esto quiere decir, entre kindergarten - preescolar-al grado 12. Lo que no es tan claro es a quã © edad se debe comenzar en kindergarten y a cul finalizar los estudios obligatorios ya que cada estado establece sus propias reglas. Pero en general puede decirse que en algã ºn punto entre los 5 y los 8 aã ±os los niã ±os deben escolarizarse y deben estudiar hasta los 16 o, en algunos estados, 18-19 aã ±os. Por ejemplo, en California es obligatoria la enseã ±anza entre las edades de 6 y 18 aã ±os, pero se permite dejar de estudiar a los 16 si el estudiante se ha graduado de secondary school o ha obtenido el tã ­tulo equivalente que se conoce como CHSPE y, adems, tiene el permiso de sus padres. Por otro lado, en Connecticut la educaciã ³n es obligatoria entre los 5 y los 18 aã ±os, permitiendo la ley multas y freights delictivos contra los padres que no envã ­an a sus hijos a las escuelas.  ¿Dà ³nde deben escolarizarse los niã ±os? Estados Unidos brinda un amplio abanico de posibilidades para enviar a las escuelas a niã ±os, desde escuelas pã ºblicas y todas sus variedades o privadas y todas las diferentes opciones, pasando por educaciã ³n en casa. Segã ºn el Centro Nacional de Estadã ­sticas para la Educaciã ³n, 50.700.000 estudiantes estudian en escuelas pã ºblicas, es decir, la mayorã ­a de los pupilos en edad de estudios obligatorios. Las escuelas pã ºblicas se caracterizan por: ser gratuitas para los estudianteslos fondos provienen del gobierno government, el estado, el condado, la municipalidad o una combinaciã ³n de variosestn obligadas an admitir a los estudiantes que habitualmente residen en el distrito escolar En algunos estados se permite que los padres puedan elegir escuela. Tambiã ©n es frecuente que se permitan alternativas a los padres cuando la calidad de las escuelas del lugar donde residen deja mucho que desear en cuanto a calidad, mediante el sistema que se conoce como voucher. Existen varios tipos de escuelas pã ºblicas. En groundwork lugar, estn las regulares. Algunas child excelentes. Adems de las regulares, estn las part, que child escuelas que funcionan con fondos pã ºblicos pero que child gestionadas privadamente por empresas, por cooperativas de maestros o, incluso, por padres o por comunidades. Existe una importante diferencia en calidad de la enseã ±anza entre distintas escuelas parts, por lo que si esa es la opciã ³n de los padres es muy conveniente que investiguen risks de recorder a sus hijos. Adems, estn las escuelas pã ºblicas conocidas como magnet, que child escuelas pã ºblicas que destacan por su excelencia acadã ©mica. Se especializan en un rea acadã ©mica en specific. Las magnet se caracterizan por asegurar la diversidad à ©tnica y racial de sus estudiantes. En esta base de datos se puede ver cules child las mejor calificadas en task Estados Unidos, permitiã ©ndose una bã ºsqueda por estados. Por otro lado, tambiã ©n existen varios tipos de escuelas privadas en las que en la actualidad estudian poco menos de 6 millones de alumnos. En este tipo de escuelas los estudiantes envã ­an una solicitud y deben esperar a ver si child admitidos. Asimismo, deben pagar por sus estudios, aunque feed casos en los que feed becas disponibles para los mejores estudiantes sin recursos econã ³micos. En Estados Unidos, donde 1 de cada 3 secondary schools child privadas, existen los siguientes tipos de escuelas de esta naturaleza: En groundwork lugar, estn las Escuelas independientes, que no pueden recibir fondos de grupos religiosos, aunque pueden tener una estrecha relaciã ³n con ellos. Feed menos de 2,000 pero se encuentran dentro de esta categorã ­a las famosas Phillips Academy Andover, con un excelente sistema de becas paraâ estudiantes excelentes pero sin recursos,â y Exeter. En segundo lugar, feed escuelas parroquiales, que estn estrechamente vinculadas con una iglesia y child muy populares, conformando el city hall leader nã ºmero de escuelas privadas. En los Estados Unidos la mayorã ­a child catã ³licas, aunque tambiã ©n las feed protestantes y judã ­as. Un aspecto a tener en cuenta es que child, en general, notablemente ms baratas que las escuelas independientes. En tercer lugar, destacar las escuelas privadas con blade de lucro, que se conocen en inglã ©s como exclusive schools.â Por à ºltimo, existe una alternativa a las escuelas pã ºblicas y a las privadas: la escolaridad en casa y es que en los Estados Unidos ms de un millã ³n y medio de estudiantes reciben la educaciã ³n en sus casas, lo que se conoce como home schooling,â actuando como profesores sus padres, maestros-tutores contratados o, incluso, siguiendo cursos completos por web. Los requerimientos en cuanto a la obligaciã ³n de notificar esta opciã ³n de enseã ±anza, rendir exmenes o educational plan a seguir varã ­a enormemente entre los diferentes estados, por lo que es necesario informarse en profundidad de las reglas que rigen en el lugar de residencia habitual.â  ¿Cà ³mo se dividen las escuelas por grados? Es muy comã ºn encontrar estos tipos de escuelas: En groundwork lugar, Primaria, conocida en inglã ©s como primary school. Los muchachos estudian hasta los grados 5to o 6to, dependiendo de los distritos. Como regla general, hasta que tienen 11-12 aã ±os. En segundo lugar, Intermediaria, conocida en inglã ©s como center school y tambiã ©n como middle school. No existe en tasks los distritos y donde sã ­ la feed, roughage variaciã ³n en los grados que la componen, siendo comã ºn que comprenda 4to, 5to y 6to grado. Se trata de un paso intermedio entre la primaria y la secundaria. En tercer lugar, Secundaria, conocida en inglã ©s como secondary school. comprende los grados 9 a 12 y comienza a la edad de 14-15 aã ±os. Roughage una gran variedad de tipos de secondary school, como las especializadas en preparar para school y universidad, especiales, vocacionalesâ o alternativas. Las personas que alcanzan los 19 aã ±os de edad y no han obtenido el certificate de secondary school pueden sacar una certificaciã ³n alternativa. La ms conocida es el GED, que tambiã ©n se puede rendir en espaã ±ol. Pero feed otras opciones, dependiendo de los estados, como por ejemplo el TASC y el HiSET. Adems, en el caso de los mexicanos es posible obtener el certificado de bachillerato de Mã ©xico sin salir de los Estados Unidos.  ¿Quà © roughage sobre la educaciã ³n tempranaâ o pre-k? La educaciã ³n tempranaâ no es obligatoria pero se brinda en un buen nã ºmero de escuelas pã ºblicas y privadas. Comienza a partir de los 3 aã ±os y el programa Head Start promueve la participaciã ³n de niã ±os de bajos recursos. Los padres o tutores interesados deben consultar con las opciones en su lugar de residencia, ya que roughage grandes diferencias entre distritos y estados. Escuelas, derechos migrantes y problemtica de visas Tasks los niã ±os en edad de recibir educaciã ³n obligatoria, es decir, en grados K-12 tienen derecho an asistir an una escuela pã ºblica en el distrito de su residencia routine. Esto aplica por supuesto a los ciudadanos americanos, a los residentes permanentes yâ â tambiã ©n a los niã ±os indocumentados. Asã ­ lo estableciã ³ claramente una sentencia de la Corte Suprema que se conoce como Plyler v. Doe. Los padres, madres o tutores que confronten problemas por su estatus migratorio o el de sus niã ±os pueden contactar con Equity and Civil Rights, explicar su problema y solicitar que se cumpla la ley. Tambiã ©n pueden asistir a las escuelas pã ºblicas los niã ±os presentes en los Estados Unidos con visas derivadas, como por ejemplo, la F-2, la H-4 o la J-2. Tambiã ©n los hijos de extranjeros con visas de inversiã ³n E-1 o E-2 vlidas. Sin ban, la situaciã ³n es muy diferente para el caso de niã ±os que ingresan a los Estados Unidos con visa de turista. Estudiar en una escuela pã ºblica significa que se est cometiendo una infracciã ³n migratoria y cada vez es ms frecuente que se le revoque la visa al niã ±o y tambiã ©n a sus padres. Child varias las opciones de visa para estudiar en Estados Unidos que se brinda an esos niã ±os. Es muy importante entender que desde el punto de vista de la ley migratoria y las escuelas es muy distinta la situaciã ³n de un niã ±o indocumentado, que sã ­ puede ir a las escuelas, y la de un niã ±o que ingresa al paã ­s con visa de turista y pretende asistir an una escuela pã ºblica. Estosâ niã ±os no estn protegidos por Plyler v. Doe. Idioma, educaciã ³n particular, vacunas y alimentos Si los niã ±os no hablan inglã ©s o si los padres desean que hablen con fluidez inglã ©s y espaã ±ol, pueden considerar los programas de educaciã ³n que se brindan en uno o ambos idiomas. Roughage una gran variedad de opciones, dependiendo del lugar de residencia. Madres, padres y tutores de niã ±os con situaciones especiales, como por ejemplo autismo, epilepsia, parlisis cerebral, and so on deben explorar las diversas opciones de educaciã ³n particular que me

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Van Doren :: essays research papers

     The logical unrest had a gigantic impact with respect to why individuals figured they could be God. Van Doren clarifies how parts of science drove these people to accept that they could be God in the event that they could see how the world functioned and why it worked that way. He clarifies that there are five pieces of science. These pieces of science were science, material science, arithmetic, science, and brain research. With the information on these five pieces of science, individuals figured they could address any inquiries by utilizing logical strategy and assume the job of God in clarifying how the world functions, why it works that way, what the world was comprised of, and furthermore what individuals think and why they think a specific path in specific circumstances. Science permitted individuals to know the make up of the world and individuals. Material science and arithmetic permitted people to perceive how the world functioned and why it worked a specific w ay. Brain research demonstrated the individuals that we could make sense of what and how individuals thought by doing investigates gatherings of individuals.      Van Doren clarifies how these five pieces of science are worse than a specific one. He clarifies how everybody in that day accepted that the world was level and not round as we probably am aware it today. He clarifies how they felt that science is the one technique that will permit them to show up at the â€Å"truth.† He clarifies how science was a typical thing that â€Å"everyday people† could comprehend. This persuaded they could respond to a great deal of inquiries hence making them figure they could be God. Van Doren reveals to us that there are three supposition of science. The principal supposition of science is that we can depict what goes on in a physical world. He clarified how researchers are both legit and humble. They never guarantee beyond what they can demonstrate and love to discuss their discoveries with different researchers or artists. This first suspicion gives individuals the thoughts that we can recognize what is happening in the phy sical world, why it goes that way, and how it works. The second supposition of science is we can clarify why something is occurring. This arrangements more with genuine things and not thoughts or emotions as Van Doren said. This presumption managed the issues concerning the outer world and its working instead of the internal part and how it functions.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

MIT Admissions Decisions Now Available Online

MIT Admissions Decisions Now Available Online MIT Regular Action admissions decisions are now available online here: can log in using the same username and password that you use to log into your MyMIT account. There are no interim screens, so you should be sure you are ready to receive your decision online before logging in. As has become tradition, the MIT admissions decisions are being released on March 14 Pi Day. This year, decisions are being released at 9:26pm. Admissions decisions are available exclusively online. We do not plan to send out any admissions decisions by mail, though admitted students will receive information on their financial aid package and Campus Preview Weekend in the mail next week. This year, we received 17,909 applications for admission, a record number for us and an 8% increase over last year. We admitted 1715 students for an admit rate of 9.6%, or fewer than one of every ten applicants. Because of the size and the strength of the applicant pool there were a great many incredible students whom we were simply unable to offer admission to. All applicants should know that the admissions staff gave them full consideration in our process. These decisions are not easy to make. But we also know that those students to whom we could not offer admission will find wonderful homes elsewhere and go on to do terrific things for the world. We will have more news about the class to come. In the meantime, we have provided three open threads below where admitted, waitlisted, and not admitted students can talk amongst themselves. We ask only that the comments be kept friendly and civil in our community.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Aircraft Electrical Systems and Pitot-Systems Free Essay Example, 1500 words

Pressure altitude readingsQNH is the mean-sea-level (MSL) pressure resulting from the barometric measured at the station by computing the weight of an unreal air column covering from the station to the sea levelVFR are a set of regulations that a pilot guide a pilot in operating an aircraft. QNE can be described as the altitude readings on the altimeter when the aircraft touches down and the altimeter sub-scale set at 1013. Alternatively, in other terms, it is the accepted ISA standard pressure set at 1013.2 hPa. Operation of a basic electronic flight instrument system, including the air data computer, and the EFIS system The EFIS is a flight deck display system, which uses electronic technology rather than electromechanical (Clancy, 1975, p. 147). A distinctive EFIS system consists of an Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator (EHSI) and Electronic Attitude Direction Indicator (EADI); however, some designs integrate these two components. The EADI is attached directly to the autopilot with its display serving as a monitor that the pilot uses to observe the flight progress. The EADI additionally provides the necessary steering information that the pilot can follow. We will write a custom essay sample on Aircraft Electrical Systems and Pitot-Systems or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Prevalence of HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa Essay - 1048 Words

In 2009 an estimated 33.2 million human beings were unfortunate enough to be infected with AIDS or HIV. A hefty 22.4 million of those individuals live in where the story of humanity began, Sub-Saharan Africa. The good-fortuned United States on the other end of the spectrum ,is home to 1.2 million infected. The statistics for the amount of infected in the U.S. is almost negligible in comparison to those of Africa’s ,because of the obvious difference in amount of infected ,but also in the amount of power the disease has in the confines of each spatial variation. In the growing quest for equality amongst all humanity it is a necessity to understand why Africans are bearing the statistical load and why the number of infected grow in amongst†¦show more content†¦Many members of the community don’t consider there high risk behavior to be a problem and increase the probability of contraction. Many people falsely believe HIV doesn’t pose as a threat because o f treatment developments. There is a stigma associated with HIV is that only people that live promiscuous lives or are habitual drug users carry it. For that reason many people are afraid to be tested for the illness, they don’t want to bear the shame that HIV brings or think it is easier live never confronting it. Taboos are the cause of a ignoring HIV in every culture ,especially in Africa. In Africa ,â€Å"Societys fittest, not its frailest, are the ones who die—adults spirited away, leaving the old and the children behind. You cannot define risk groups: everyone who is sexually active is at risk. Babies too, [are] unwittingly infected by mothers. Barely a single family remains untouched. Most do not know how or when they caught the virus, many never know they have it, many who do know dont tell anyone as they lie dying.† The death of Nelson Mandela’s son is a strong reminder that no one in Africa can consider themselves safe from HIV. Yet as Africans gather around the coffin of there friends and colleagues, HIV is only whispered when it’s time to speculate on there death. Tuberculosis is put down for cause of death because it is more comforting then knowing they had AIDS. HIV/AIDS is sexuallyShow MoreRelatedReligion And Africa By Jenny Trinitapoli And Alexander Wienreb1414 Words   |  6 PagesIn the book Religion and AIDS in Africa by Jenny Trinitapoli and Alexander Wienreb, describe the role that religion plays in interpreting, preventing, and coping with HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. In my view, the variation across countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is due, in part, to different health care and political/government systems. The variation that is seen in healthcare across SSA, where Botswana where programs and access to antiretroviral therapy compared to Zambia. The other variationRead MoreHiv And Aids : Hiv / Aids Essay924 Words   |  4 Pages2.1 HIV/AIDS HIV is a latent virus that attacks and compromises the immune system and exposes the body to diseases and infections. AIDS is a disease of the immune system caused by a retrovirus known as HIV that makes the individual highly vulnerable to life threatening infections and diseases such as TB (FANTA, 2004). 2.1.1 TRANSMISSION OF HIV According to FANTA, there are three primary routes of HIV transmission; 1) Unprotected sex with a person carrying the HIV virus. 2) Transfusion of contaminatedRead MoreSocial Services During Sub Saharan Africa951 Words   |  4 PagesSocial Services Provided in Sub-Saharan Africa have had a Positive Impact on People Infected and Affected by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Summary Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a disease that has evolved over time into an epidemic. Sub-Saharan Africa is the region of the world with the highest population of infected individuals and some of the lowest access to resources needed provide preventative education, treatment, and support for the disease. This study examines five studies conductedRead MoreHiv / Aids And Aids948 Words   |  4 Pages33.3 million people are infected or living with HIV, of which 22.5 million are in sub-Saharan Africa. In addition, of the2.5 million children in the world estimated to be living with HIV, 2.3 million are in sub-Saharan Africa. Southern Africa, the most affected region, includes a number of middle- and lower-middle-income nations known as the hyperendemic countries. In South Africa alone, there are about 5.7 million people living with HIV/AIDS. In Swaziland, 42 per cent of women attending antenatalRead MoreThe Epidemic Of Tuberculosis, Kenya, Uganda And The Democratic Republic Of Th e Congo1665 Words   |  7 Pagesreports that 95% of these deaths are in resource poor areas. This essay will focus on Sub-Saharan Africa, an area with a wide proportion of resource poor settings. WHO (2015d) estimated around 3.2million people in Africa to have TB, with a mortality rate of 450,000. Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo were in the top 25 countries in the world for TB mortality and prevalence. Statistics have shown that in-effective TB control can result in multi-drug resistanceRead MoreCultural And Social Norms Patriarchal Society1544 Words   |  7 Pagesoverarching patriarchal society in Africa. Men make the bulk of the decisions, whereas women simply take care of the house and children. This leaves taking the imitative in sex, partner selection regardless of marriage status, using condoms, and acknowledging sexual consent of both partners purely at the discretion of the man. Women are expected to respect their husbands and moreover, accept the polygamous relationships that their husbands are involved in. o To men in Africa, wives, partners, and daughtersRead MoreThe Catholic Churchs View on Contraception Essay1229 Words   |  5 Pagesincluding HIV (the virus that causes AIDS), Chlamydia, genital herpes, genital warts, gonorrhoea, hepatitis B, and syphilis. Condoms are not 100% safe but if used properly it is agreed among experts that it will likely reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases (FDA, US food and Drug). Sub-Saharan Africa is the most heavily AIDS and HIV infected area in the world with an estimated 22.4 million living with HIV in the region. In 2008 approximately 1.4 million people died from AIDS in Sub-Saharan AfricaRead MoreHuman Immune Deficiency Virus ( Hiv )1608 Words   |  7 Pagesdeficiency virus (HIV) has become one of the most important public health problems throughout the world as the virus continues to spread rapidly and cause the death of many adults and young children. HIV had had a profound impact on the lives of infected individuals and their fam ilies1. The region of sub-Saharan Africa, which constitutes 11% of the world’s population, is reported to be disproportionately affected by HIV and the disease known as acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)2. HIV is a sexuallyRead MoreA Perspective of Poverty and HIV on Sub-Saharan Africa1018 Words   |  4 Pagespoverty and HIV on Sub-Saharan Africa The majority of people currently living with HIV are in Sub-Saharan Africa where this infectious immune disease has had a devastating impact mentally, physically, economically and socially since this pandemic began. Sub-Saharan Africa is about 15% of the worlds population, and it has approximately seventy percent of the people living with HIV. In 2011 there were 23,500,000 people living with HIV, and 1,200,000 annual AIDS deaths. The new HIV infectionsRead MoreCombat HIV / AIDS And Sub-Saharan Africa1363 Words   |  6 Pagesand growth as small as 2 percent in poorer regions such as sub-Saharan Africa (The Millennium, 2015). For a developed nation, the idea of giving birth to a child without a skilled physician nearby monitoring the situation, or clinician of some degree not assisting with the birthing process is unfathomable. Yet, this is a reality in many developing nations across the world, especially the rural communities such as those in Sub-Saharan Africa. The numbers indicate maternal death due to complications

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Yoyoyo Free Essays

Choose one of the following project menu options to work on with your team. Be prepared to provide your second and third choice of project. The rubric that will be used to grade the finished product is also Included to gulled you in completing your project. We will write a custom essay sample on Yoyoyo or any similar topic only for you Order Now The project will be due in class on Monday, October 20 and pre-checked on October 17, Friday. Options 1 and 2 Create a 3-D model of a Eukaryotic Cell belonging too Plant (option 1) or Animal (option 2). Length and height are not shorter than 8. Depth is not shorter than . . Your model must include all of the basic parts of the cell you choose as well as all organelles. In addition, you must label or provide a key to all parts and organelles so that they are clearly identifiable. You also need to include a written explanation of what organelles are represented and why you chose the materials you did to make each organelle or cell part. Recommended materials include (but are not limited to) non-perishables such as Styrofoam, wood, cardboard, plastic, pasta, beans, etc. Your finished product may be freestanding but stable. Critical thinking and creativity are required Options 3 and 4 Design and create a movie (option 3) or cartoon storyboard (option 4) that depicts the adventures of an explorer Inside a cell. Choose one of the two types of Eukaryotic Cells Plant or Animal. Your storyboard should be Illustrated using color and should be presented on pasteboard. In Dalton to illustrations, you need to Include detailed descriptions of what is going on in each picture. You can be creative but remember that you must focus on how the cell parts and organelle function as your explorer experiences or interacts with them. Creativity and humor are encouraged Options 5 and 6 Design a travel brochure that describes a cell as though it were a large exhibit, attraction, an amusement park, cruise ship, or any other self-contained location with lots to do and lots of activities going on inside. Choose one of the two major types of Eukaryotic Cells Plant (option 5)or Animal (option 6). You must create an analogy for all of the parts and organelles found in the cell type that you choose, making sure that your analogies are relevant to the location. (Example If a cell Is Like an amusement park, then the nucleus might be the park headquarters, etc. ) In your brochure, you will draw, describe, and explain the functions of cell parts and organelles. You may use gained cutouts or pictures from the Internet as long as they are clear and accurate. Make sure your brochure is eye catching and interesting, colorful but informative Humor and creativity are required. Options 7 Choreograph and perform an original song or dance that depicts all the organelles and functions of each organelle. It is strongly suggested that you stick a label to identify the organelle you are depicting in the song/dance. If you decide to make more than one scene/act, provide a way to communicate this to the audience. The dance should not be longer than 3 minutes and not shorter than 1. 5 minutes. Record this on video. How to cite Yoyoyo, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

Themes, Motifs and Symbols in Oscar Wilde’s the Picture of Dorian Gray free essay sample

The only published novel by Oscar Wilde, which appeared in Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine in 1890, was seen as immoral and scandalous, so the editors of the magazine censored about five hundred words without Wilde’s knowledge. Even with that, the novel was not received very well. Disappointed with this, Wilde revised his novel, added a preface, where he explains his philosophy of art, and six new chapters. Since Wilde was devoted to aestheticism, he believed that art had no purpose, nor moral nor political, because art is beautiful and therefore has worth. His attitude was revolutionary, since Victorian England believed that art could be used for social education and moral enlightenment. Aestheticism fought to free art from this belief. The aestheticists were motivated as much by a contempt for bourgeois morality, a sensibility embodied in Dorian Gray by Lord Henry, whose every word seems designed to shock the ethical certainties of the burgeoning middle class, as they were by the belief that art does not need to possess any other purpose than being beautiful. We will write a custom essay sample on Themes, Motifs and Symbols in Oscar Wilde’s the Picture of Dorian Gray or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There are two works of art that dominate the novel. Basil’s painting and the mysterious yellow book that Lord Henry gives Dorian. They are not presented in aesthetic but in Victorian sensibilities, which means that both the portrait and the French novel have a purpose. The portrait is a kind of a mysterious mirror which shows Dorian the physical aging his body will not go through, while the French novel is a kind of a map which leads Dorian further towards infamy. Readers know nothing about the composition of the French novel, but they can see Basil’s state of mind while painting the picture. He states that all art is â€Å"unconscious, ideal, and remote† but his portrait of Dorian is everything but unconscious, ideal and remote. The first principle of aestheticism is that art serves no other purpose than to offer beauty, and throughout The Picture of Dorian Gray, beauty reigns. It is a way to revive the tired senses, as indicated by the effect that Basil’s painting has on the cynical Lord Henry. It is also a way of escaping the brutalities of the world. Dorian distances himself, as well as his consciousness, from the horrors of his actions by devoting himself to the tudy of beautiful things—music, jewels, rare tapestries. In a society that cherishes beauty, youth and physical attractiveness become extremely valuable. When they meet for the very first time, Lord Henry reminds Dorian that soon enough he will lose his most precious attributes. The Duchess of Monmouth says to Lord Henry that he values these things too much, and indeed, Dorian’s ev entual demise confirms that. And although beauty and youth remain of greatest importance at the end of the novel, the novel suggests that the price one must pay for them is extremely high, which Dorian proved by giving his soul for them. Logically, society which cherishes beauty above all else is a society which is shallow and values only what is on the surface. What matters most to Dorian, Lord Henry, and their polite company, is not whether a man is good at heart but rather whether he is handsome. Despite Dorian’s â€Å"mode of life,† he remains at the heart of the London social scene because of the â€Å"innocence† and â€Å"purity of his face. † Both the portrait and the French novel have a great influence on Dorian’s life. They influence him to behave in an immoral way for almost twenty years. By reflecting on Dorian’s power over Basil and deciding that he would like to seduce Dorian in the same way, Lord Henry points out that there is something fascinating in practicing this kind of influence. Falling under influence cannot be avoided. Basil’s idolatry of Dorian leads to his murder, and Dorian’s devotion to Lord Henry’s hedonism and the yellow book precede his own downfall. In a novel that prizes individualism, the sacrifice of one’s self, whether to another person or to a work of art, leads to one’s destruction. The picture of Dorian Gray, â€Å"the most magical of mirrors,† shows him what he has been spared- physical aging. For a period of time, Dorian has only one goal in life, and lives according to it, not paying attention to his conscience, and that goal is only pleasure. On the other hand, Dorian’s portrait represents his conscience and haunts him. The portrait knows his crimes, it reminds Dorian of the cruelty he has shown towards Sybil Vane, and the murder of Basil Hallward. Another motif which plays a large role in Oscar Wilde’s novel is the homoerotic bond between men. Basil’s portrait of Dorian develops from his adoration of Dorian’s beauty, and Lord Henry has a strong desire to seduce Dorian. This relationship between men represents aesthetic values that Wilde was fighting for, because it brought him back to antique times, when youth and beauty was appreciated most, and it was fundamental in society and often expressed through a relationship between two men. Since Wilde was a homosexual himself, living in an intolerant society, fighting for this philosophy was his way of justifying his lifestyle. He thought homosexuality was a sign of refined culture and not a sin. He thought that a relationship between an elder and a younger man resembled the tradition of Plato, Michelangelo and Shakespeare. The use of the white colour can represent Dorian’s transition from the figure of innocence to the figure of degradation. White usually implies innocence and blankness, and it is true in the case when the readers are first introduced with Dorian. And that ‘’white purity’’ actually catches Lord Henry’s attention. Basil tries to invoke whiteness when he finds out that Dorian has sacrificed his innocence. He stares horrified at the portrait and quotes a biblical verse from the Book of Isaiah: â€Å"Though your sins be as scarlet, yet I will make them as white as snow† but to no avail, since Dorian’s innocence is lost. When the white colour appears again, it is seen on the face of James Vane, but now it is transformed from the colour of innocence to the colour of death. At the end of the novel, Dorian yearns for his â€Å"rose-white boyhood† but the hope is lost, and he cannot wash away his sins. In the novel, the portrait stands for the most magical of mirrors, duplicating the corruption of Dorian’s soul, while his ageless handsome face is a mask hiding the soul’s progress in evil. The mask can hide the lack of identity and emptiness, and although everyone fears exposure of his own nothingness, to others one’s mask is one’s face, the only one they know. On the other hand, the mirror reflects not only the mask but the hidden truth of one’s face. While the mask is to be worn for the world, the mirror is used for facing the truth about oneself. The mask is for others’ inspection, the mirror for one’s own introspection. The opium dens, which is located in a remote and derelict section of London, represents Dorian’s state of mind. After killing Basil, Dorian goes there to forget the awful crime he has committed by losing consciousness and becoming numb. He has a canister of opium at home, but he still travels to the dark dens, which represents the degradation of his soul. Another representative of Dorian’s dark and tortured soul is James Vane, the brother of Sibyl Vane. He represents Dorian’s conscience, as well as the relative seeking revenge. He is like a ghost with his white face, and he makes Dorian accept the crimes he has committed. Lord Henry gives Dorian a yellow book, which is only described as a French novel, which describes the experiences of its main character who is seeking pleasure. Dorian buys a dozen of copies of this book, and bases his life and actions on it, and in this way the French novel becomes a sort of a holy grail to Dorian. The book represents the profound and damaging influence that art can have over an individual and serves as a warning to those who would surrender themselves so completely to such an influence. In the end we can see that the philosophy that Oscar Wild proposes in The Picture of Dorian Gray can be extremely seductive and liberating. Wilde shows the readers that the society and conscience both make living the philosophy he fought for extremely difficult and, in the end, even painful.